sales systems & Enablement
Scale your outbound sales with AI and automation
Leverage AI and automation to build an outbound machine that generates the results of 2-3 Business Developers and can be managed with the fraction of a full-time employee.
  • Create a predictable stream of sales-appointments.
  • Be independent of external providers
  • Reduce your customer acquisition costs
  • No risk of hiring and training additional SDRs
Our clients book meetings and close deals with
Generating qualified sales-appointments in the current market environment is for many sales-teams one of the most difficult challenges.
Unpredictable Leadflow
Irregular Inquiries lead make it hard to plan resources and set revenue goals
Insufficient Lead Quality
Lead are often not qualified or far from ready to buy, costing your team valuable time
High Acquisition Costs
Misalignment of messaging, targeting and offer leads to low conversion rates and high acquisition costs
It is becoming more and more difficult to generate qualified sales opportunities that convert into clients.
Many solutions to generate pipeline require an significant investment of time & resources or might not be optimal for the growth-stage of the company.
Many strategies require a significant investment of time & resources to achieve desired results. We’re talking 50-150K a year for software, content and employees before you see the compounding effects of inbound marketing.
Hiring and training your own SDRs costs a lot of time and money, with no guarantee of a good performance afterwards. The average SDR needs 12 months to reach OTE, while the average tenure is only 18 months.
Many Agencies over promise and under deliver, while locking you into expensive retainers and transferring the risk of failure to the client. Additionally, leads are often unqualified and far from ready to buy.
our case studies
What if there was a way to predictable fill your sales pipeline with qualified sales appointments AND reduce your customer aquisition cost?
We work on performance and use hyper-targeted outbound campaigns that fill your sales calendar with decision makers that are ready to buy. No Spam, No Time-Wasters, No broken promises.
How a Hubspot agency was able to increase their New Sales by 24%, generating a 6x ROI
BEE was looking for additional support for their sales team to drive expansion. The results of previous partners in the field were not satisfactory.
+54 Sales-Opportunities in 90 Days
+24% New Sales Revenue
6x Return of Investment
How an e-commerce SaaS could book 15-20 sales appointments a month with brands like Home24, Fackelmann and Douglas.
Almondo had challenges with targeting their niche audience and a lack of sales-opportunities. All previous attempts with partners had a negative ROI.
3 Weeks Until the First Sales-Appointments
15-20 Sales-Appointments Per Month
Meetings with Brands like Home24, Fackelmann and Douglas
How a marketing agency, through our coaching, now independently generates 10-15 additional sales calls per month.
Take Off was looking for another acquisition channel to meet their growth goals and wanted to solve the challenge with internal resources.
3 Months of Coaching
10-15 Sales-Appointments Per Month
1 New Acquisition Channel
Generate a predictable stream of pre-qualified sales-appointments, without spending hours on manual work.
A proven process to fill your sales pipeline
We developed a simple process to solve your acquisition problem.
Understand your clients and develop an irresistible offer
Based on customer interviews and unique job data and market research, we develop your ideal customer persona to better understand their goals and pains
Develop an irresistible offer that solves your clients problems, differenciates you from the competition and handles the biggest objections
Contact not only the right people in the right place, but also at the right TIME.
Combine web scraping, intent data, and 50+ databases to find decision makers from your ICP that are ready to buy.
Develop custom data plays to find new segments in your market that are not being reached out to.
Find the right message with data-driven testing and sales automations.
Use sales automations to send personalized messages across multiple channels.
Rigorous A/B testing and data analytics help to find the messages that generates the most conversions and scale the outreach
Fill your calendar with qualified prospects.
We show you how you can use automated subsequences and templates to take care of replies
Fill your calendar with decision makers from your target audience.
Do you have challenges with the closing process? We can also help your team to build a structures sales process to close more deals.
Through this process, we have generated our clients over 2427 qualified sales appointments, ultimately helping them to close more than 7,08 million euros worth of new business.
See what our clients have to say.
Thomas Bairlein
Executive Member of the Board (CMO) Aimondo AG | General Manager Aimondo GmbH
January 24, 2023, Thomas was Gilbert`s clients
Aimondo AG CMO Thomas Baierlein appreciates Gilbert´s performance: We started with Gilbert's qualified lead generation service and are very satisfied. This lead generation process is a combination of a very systematic analysis of the relevant target persons of our target companies, precisely defined positions and areas of responsibility, targeted and selective initial contact with the target persons and then a binding transition into an initial personal call with responsible persons of Aimondo AG / Aimondo GmbH, which takes place in an informative video format. The approach is very successful for us, and it is by far the best yield we have achieved with an externally connected service provider throughout the last 3 years. Here, the cost-benefit ratio is very positive and absolutely within our planned and expected efficiency metrics. In particular, we appreciate the good efficiency in our very complex and know-how-requiring area of AI-supported SaaS application solutions global price management. We appreciate this fruitful collaboration! Read MoreRead Less
Aimondo AG CMO Thomas Baierlein appreciates Gilbert´s performance: We started with Gilbert's qualified lead generation service and are very satisfied. This lead generation process is a combination of a very systematic analysis of the relevant target persons of our target companies, precisely defined positions and areas of responsibility, targeted and selective initial contact with the target persons and then a binding transition into an initial personal call with responsible persons of Aimondo AG / Aimondo GmbH, which takes place in an informative video format. The approach is very successful for us, and it is by far the best yield we have achieved with an externally connected service provider throughout the last 3 years. Here, the cost-benefit ratio is very positive and absolutely within our planned and expected efficiency metrics. In particular, we appreciate the good efficiency in our very complex and know-how-requiring area of AI-supported SaaS application solutions global price management. We appreciate this fruitful collaboration!
Martin Bredl
Founder & CEO takeoff inbound marketing Agentur | Wir helfen Unternehmen weltbestes Inbound Marketing selbst zu machen.
August 30, 2022, Martin was Gilbert’s client
We have worked intensely over the last 3 months with Gilbert on our Outbound Strategy. We are overwhelmed with Gilbert's know-how in Strategy, Content, and technical skills. The Result: After only 3 months, our outbound funnel is up and running, and we got the first appointments with potential clients. Gilbert, you are the best!and then a binding transition into an initial personal call with responsible persons of Aimondo AG / Aimondo GmbH, which takes place in an informative video format. The approach is very successful for us, and it is by far the best yield we have achieved with an externally connected service provider throughout the last 3 years. Here, the cost-benefit ratio is very positive and absolutely within our planned and expected efficiency metrics. In particular, we appreciate the good efficiency in our very complex and know-how-requiring area of AI-supported SaaS application solutions global price management. We appreciate this fruitful collaboration! Read MoreRead Less
Bülent Paradiso
Senior Recruiter & Culture Manager & Sales
July 8, 2022, Bülent was Gilbert’s client
Die Zusammenarbeit mit Gilbert im Bereich der Leadgenerierung war ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung für unseren Sales Channel. Nicht nur das unsere Erwartungen an die (SQLs) Leads an Qualität und Quantität erfüllt wurden, auch das Mindset stimmt und die Zusammenarbeit waren durch Transparenz, Verbindlichkeit und Spaß geprägt.and then a binding transition into an initial personal call with responsible persons of Aimondo AG / Aimondo GmbH, which takes place in an informative video format. The approach is very successful for us, and it is by far the best yield we have achieved with an externally connected service provider throughout the last 3 years. Here, the cost-benefit ratio is very positive and absolutely within our planned and expected efficiency metrics. In particular, we appreciate the good efficiency in our very complex and know-how-requiring area of AI-supported SaaS application solutions global price management. We appreciate this fruitful collaboration! Read MoreRead Less
Lanny M. Heiz
B2B Sales guy in crypto that loves scalable & repeatable sales systems 💎🙌 | Ex UBS IB
July 7, 2022, Lanny M. was Gilbert’s client
Um als Unternehmen unser Wachstum zu beschleunigen brauchten wir mehr qualifizierte Termine für unser Sales Team. Da wir Inbound als Channel schon etabliert haben, wollten wir mit Gilbert’s hilfe Outbound als Kanal erstmalig aufbauen. Durch seine analytische & strukturierte Arbeitsweise konnten wir die Kalender all unserer Sales Reps konstant mit qualifzierten Interessenten füllen und diese dann auch als Kunden gewinnen.Read MoreRead Less
Um als Unternehmen unser Wachstum zu beschleunigen brauchten wir mehr qualifizierte Termine für unser Sales Team. Da wir Inbound als Channel schon etabliert haben, wollten wir mit Gilbert’s hilfe Outbound als Kanal erstmalig aufbauen. Durch seine analytische & strukturierte Arbeitsweise konnten wir die Kalender all unserer Sales Reps konstant mit qualifzierten Interessenten füllen und diese dann auch als Kunden gewinnen.
Ben Klein
I bring performance oriented people, knowledge and technology together to grow businesses and make and sustainable impact in tomorrows world.
July 6, 2022, Ben was Gilbert’s client
Dank der Unterstützung von Gilbert konnten wir die Qualität und die Anzahl unserer Outbound Leads deutlich steigern. Durch seine analytische und systematische Herangehensweise haben wir solide Prozesse aufgebaut um im Outbound Sales weiter skalieren zu können. & strukturierte Arbeitsweise konnten wir die Kalender all unserer Sales Reps konstant mit qualifzierten Interessenten füllen und diese dann auch als Kunden gewinnen.Read MoreRead Less
Gilbert Kralinger
Founder, CloseContact
Schedule a pressure-free meeting to
see whether we are a good fit and can help you to achieve your sales goals.
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